Colour Analysis
*available virtual or in-person*
$400- virtual or in person
Included in a Colour Analysis:
In-person - fabric draping session to find your best palette
virtual - photo and digital swatches used to find your best palette with results delivered via zoom
In depth advice on clothing, hair colour, makeup and jewelry
PDF dossier emailed after the session summarizing your seasonal pallet and advice
Digital colour palette to make online shopping easier
For ALL the benefits of colour analysis check out the blog post here:
Couples Colour Analysis
Group Colour Analysis
*available virtual or in-person*
All the same services as the colour analysis but double the fun!
Book with a significant other, best friend, sibling or parent <3
fun date idea
Makes a great gift
$300 per person
(or variable depending on event)
For groups of 3 or more:
Birthdays or parties
Girl's Night
Corporate/Team events
Clothing store private events
Educational sessions for hair stylists, makeup artists, personal shoppers etc.
Fully customizable for your colour analysis needs!